PCAN & Codesys

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PCAN & Codesys

Post by ToasTer1986 » Thu 3. Sep 2015, 09:49

Dear Community,

I started as an intern at a company that is developing embedded software for trucks.
For development we are using CodeSys (V2.3/3.5)

We want to receive CAN-data with the Peak-CAN IPEH 2022 that we connect on a USB port.
Below a simple scetch of our current system:

PLC / HMI <---------------- PEAK-CAN <------------------------ Sensor

The challenge and question is: “Can we configure CodeSys in such a way that it receives the CAN-message through USB and that we can handle those message and use them to display the information from the sensors through a HMI on the PLC screen”.

Does anyone have any experience dealing with CAN messages in CodeSys through a USB port?
If so what were the challenges and how can I configure CodeSys in such a way that it receives those CAN messages?

Thanks for anyhelp in advance,


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Re: PCAN & Codesys

Post by PEAK-Support » Thu 3. Sep 2015, 15:31

Please conatct 3S Software for Codesys related Software questions. We know the Codesys support our CAN-Interfaces, but we could not give support on third party Software - sorry.
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Re: PCAN & Codesys

Post by David24 » Thu 2. May 2024, 10:34

Hello everyone,
I have a similiar Problem (receiving CAN-data from the PCAN-View)
PLC with CODESYS <-- PCAN-View
ToasTer1986: How do you solve your Problem?

Thanks for any advice

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