Bus heavy and light conditions

Mini PCI to CAN Interface
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Joined: Mon 27. Sep 2010, 18:06

Bus heavy and light conditions

Post by spyke555 » Sat 23. Oct 2010, 03:49

I've been looking for some definition of what is meant by the bus heavy and bus light error codes that are returned by the interface. Can anyone tell me what these mean?

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Joined: Fri 24. Sep 2010, 18:03

Re: Bus heavy and light conditions

Post by p.erasmus » Sat 23. Oct 2010, 21:04

Normally when you have a problem in the bus itself (electrically )or you have a node that is running at the incorrect baud rate or such things will give the error Bus heavy as the CAN controller can not detect the messages and the number of messages there for it is an indication that the bus is over loaded with Data
this error will also be reported when the bus is really overloaded with data too !!
Bus light is indicating that the Bus load or number of message or message rate is low and in this case you should have a full functional bus

Hope this helps
Peter Erasmus
Automotive Engineering

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Re: Bus heavy and light conditions

Post by G.Lang » Mon 25. Oct 2010, 13:40

Dear spyke555,

a Busheavy can occur when you want to send a CAN-message and no other CAN-node is able to send a acknowlegde frame (wrong baudrate, CAN-bus not connected, no CAN-termination, a CAN-bus system with only one CAN-node etc.)

Please take a look at the following topic: http://www.peak-system.com/forum/viewto ... f=120&t=39
Maybe it is helpful.


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