Getting started with PCAN-RS-232
Getting started with PCAN-RS-232
Hello Everyone,
im quite frech and new here, also with the CAN-BUS topics. i took a new Pcan-RS-232 to test some IoT things.
My Converter will be connected via RS-232 to a Sensor (velocity) and transfer all via CAN.
I'm trying to flash the uC and intall the Firmware via CAN, putting the bridge between Ub and Boot pin and putting power (12V) to Ub, but the Software tool shows nothing.
could you please expplain step by step how to do that? would be nice
kind regards,
im quite frech and new here, also with the CAN-BUS topics. i took a new Pcan-RS-232 to test some IoT things.
My Converter will be connected via RS-232 to a Sensor (velocity) and transfer all via CAN.
I'm trying to flash the uC and intall the Firmware via CAN, putting the bridge between Ub and Boot pin and putting power (12V) to Ub, but the Software tool shows nothing.
could you please expplain step by step how to do that? would be nice
kind regards,
Re: Getting started with PCAN-RS-232
which PCAN PC interface do you use for the flash process? Do you use a terminated CAN cable between PCAN-RS232 and PCAN PC interface? For more details, please see info in the manual on page 18-23: ... an_eng.pdf
which PCAN PC interface do you use for the flash process? Do you use a terminated CAN cable between PCAN-RS232 and PCAN PC interface? For more details, please see info in the manual on page 18-23: ... an_eng.pdf
Re: Getting started with PCAN-RS-232
i used actually the serial alternative. it was the only option because i don't have a PCAN-USB to connect to my laptop.
i'll try to do it after with CAN-BUS to see if it works.
i used actually the serial alternative. it was the only option because i don't have a PCAN-USB to connect to my laptop.
i'll try to do it after with CAN-BUS to see if it works.
Re: Getting started with PCAN-RS-232
you need a PCAN PC CAN interface for PEAK-Flash. A serial interface could not be used with PEAK-Flash. ... .html?&L=1
you need a PCAN PC CAN interface for PEAK-Flash. A serial interface could not be used with PEAK-Flash. ... .html?&L=1
Re: Getting started with PCAN-RS-232
Thank you for replying. I'm trying to reed some data via RS232 in my laptop Terminal:
in my ser_to_can.c i have this code:
in the main.c
it doesn't work, the RED_LED is permanently ON and in the Terminal i see no Data. Any Help?
in my ser_to_can.c i have this code:
Code: Select all
#define __PCANRS232_C__
#include "LPC21xx.h"
#include "datatypes.h"
#include "hardware.h"
#include "systime.h"
#include "can.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "ser_user.h"
#include "ser_to_can.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// RS232 parameters: 115200 bit/s, 8, N, 1
// CAN parameters: ID=0x123, DLC=8
// CAN bitrate: see can_init()
// Byte stream is received and converted to 8 byte CAN messages (ID=0x123).
// If nothing is received for more than 1 sec, the bytes already in the queue
// are transmitted onto CAN in a shorter message (DLC < 8).
void ShowRadarData(const char* data);
// global data
CANMsg_t CanRxMsg, CanTxMsg;
// max. serial buffer length:
#define buflen (10) // 10 bytes max. by default
//u8_t SerXmtBuf[buflen]; // will assemble and send telegram to the Host-PC / RS232
//u8_t SerXmtBufPtr = 0;
u8_t SerRcvBuf[buflen]; // holds received telegram from the Host-PC / RS232
u8_t SerRcvBufPtr = 0;
u8_t SerRcvTimeout_cnt; // supervision timer
// status flags
u8_t SerRxOverrunOccurred;
u8_t SerTxCongestionOccurred;
void TransmitCanMessage(void);
void PCANRS232_Init(void)
//! @brief
//! Initializes software functions.
//! To be called from MAIN() once at module startup.
//! @param void
//! @return void
// set led = uninitialized
// --- initialize serial
SER_UserInit (); // SER_BAUD_115K2
SerRxOverrunOccurred = 0; // reset error flags UART Rx
SerTxCongestionOccurred = 0; // reset error flags UART Tx
SerRcvTimeout_cnt = SerRcvTimeout_max; // reload supervision timer
SerRcvBufPtr = 0; // SER-TO-CAN direction
// SerXmtBufPtr = 0; // CAN-TO-SER direction (not used in this project)
// --- initialize CAN
// set led = initialized
//-------------------RADAR DATA SEND --------------
void ShowRadarData(const char* data)
SER_Write(SER_PORT1, (void*)data, strlen(data));
//printf ("RADAR DATA: %s\n", data);
void ProcessMsgFromSerial(void)
//! @brief
//! reads telegrams from RS232 UART (Host-PC).
//! To be called from MAIN() loop, as fast as possible.
//! Reads the incoming telegram from the host PC (RS232)
//! and forwards it to CAN in 8-byte-packets.
//! @param void
//! @return void
SERStatus_t ReadResult;
u8_t CurRcvByte; // currently received byte from UART
u8_t BytesRead; // dummy parameter, must be supplied, but not used here
// Read one byte from serial
ReadResult = SER_Read (SER_PORT1, &CurRcvByte, 1, &BytesRead);
// No bytes received, then ...
if (ReadResult == SER_ERR_RX_EMPTY)
printf ("Reading Error: %d\n", ReadResult);
return; // ... quit, don't waste time here
// Append received char into buffer
if (ReadResult == SER_ERR_OK)
printf ("Received Byte: %02x\n", CurRcvByte);
SerRcvBuf[SerRcvBufPtr] = CurRcvByte; // append current byte to incoming telegram
SerRcvTimeout_cnt = SerRcvTimeout_max; // reload supervision timer
if (SerRcvBufPtr >= CAN_DLC_MAX){
SerRcvBuf[SerRcvBufPtr] = '\0';
ShowRadarData((const char*)SerRcvBuf);
SerRcvBufPtr = 0;
} // do
while (SerRcvBufPtr < CAN_DLC_MAX); // until one CAN message is complete (8 bytes)
// #####
// At this point, one CAN message is complete (8 bytes)!
// #####
void ProcessTimer25msec(void)
//! @brief
//! Called every 25msec from MAIN().
//! @param void
//! @return void
// Here we are counting down the 1 sec supervision timer.
// If nothing is received from SER within 1 sec.,
// a shorter CAN message will be sent anyway.
// if (SerRcvTimeout_cnt > 0) SerRcvTimeout_cnt--;
// else // timed out
// {
// if (SerRcvBufPtr > 0) TransmitCanMessage(); // Send, if DLC > 0
// SerRcvTimeout_cnt = SerRcvTimeout_max; // reload supervision timer
// }
Code: Select all
#include "LPC21xx.h"
#include "datatypes.h"
#include "systime.h"
#include "hardware.h"
#include "crc_data.h"
#include "ser_to_can.h"
#include "serial.h"
// Global variables
u32_t SerRcvTimeout = 0;
u32_t TimeDiff1000Hz = 0;
u32_t TimeDiffLed = 0;
u32_t TimeDiff25ms = 0;
u8_t DeviceID; // Holds PCAN-RS-232 device ID from solder jumpers
void ShowRadarData(const char* data);
int main (void)
// Get PCAN-RS-232 device ID from internal solder jumpers
HW_GetModuleID (&DeviceID); // not used herein
PCANRS232_Init(); // Initializes Device (incl. CAN and RS232 interfaces)
// main loop
while (1)
// call every 25msec (for doing cyclic things ...)
if (SYSTIME_DIFF (TimeDiff25ms, SYSTIME_NOW) > 25000)
//ProcessTimer25msec(); // do cyclic stuff herein...
// 1Hz LED Blinker (500 msec on, 500 msec off)
// if (SYSTIME_DIFF (TimeDiffLed, SYSTIME_NOW) > 500000)
// {
// TimeDiffLed = SYSTIME_NOW;
// // toggle LED
// if (BlinkState != HW_LED_GREEN)
// {
// BlinkState = HW_LED_GREEN;
// }
// else
// {
// BlinkState = HW_LED_OFF;
// }
// HW_SetLED (HW_LED_CAN1, BlinkState);
//ProcessMsgFromSerial(); // read messages coming in from RS232 UART
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Re: Getting started with PCAN-RS-232
If that's 1:1 the same code that you run i wouldn't expect the LED to do anything,
the whole section handling the LED states is commented out (//)...
Can you check, if that's the case with your current code as well?
If that's 1:1 the same code that you run i wouldn't expect the LED to do anything,
the whole section handling the LED states is commented out (//)...
Can you check, if that's the case with your current code as well?
Marvin Heidemann
PEAK-Support Team
Marvin Heidemann
PEAK-Support Team