Receive works but send doesn't.

CAN to LAN gateway in DIN rail plastic casing
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Receive works but send doesn't.

Post by ranba790 » Fri 13. Sep 2024, 22:19

I am using the gateway with sockets (handshaking is disabled) i am receiving but sending doesn't work,
I have added a 2nd set of routes with handshaing and using virtual PCAN and PCAN View as a sniffer to see the messages.
I have a 3rd party software that's only works with PCAN USB( i am trying replace this Sofware with my own using Socket and PCAN Gateway).
when the 3rd party send the same message i am trying to send it works and i can see it in the PCAN view
When my software send the frame nothing comes up on PCAN view

The message has only one byte of data which is 0, the ID is 0x12081080

any tips on how to troubleshoot it,

this is the packet i am sending over UDP

Code: Select all

Name	Value	
packet	{Length=36}	
(0)	&H00	
(1)	&H24	Length
(2)	&H00	
(3)	&H02	Msg Type
(4)	&H00	
(5)	&H00	
(6)	&H00	
(7)	&H00	
(8)	&H00	
(9)	&H00	
(10)	&H00	
(11)	&H00	
(12)	&HF6	TimeStamp
(13)	&H64	
(14)	&H41	
(15)	&HEC	
(16)	&H00	
(17)	&HE2	
(18)	&HE2	
(19)	&H00	
(20)	&H00	
(21)	&H01	MsgLen
(22)	&H00	
(23)	&H00	
(24)	&H12	CanID
(25)	&H08	CanID
(26)	&H10	CanID
(27)	&H80	CanID
(28)	&H00	Data
(29)	&H00	Da
(30)	&H00	
(31)	&H00	
(32)	&H00	
(33)	&H00	
(34)	&H00	
(35)	&H00	
this is the code i am using the built the packet

Code: Select all

Private Function BuildCANPacket(CanMsg As sCANMsg) As Byte()
    ' Calculate the length of the entire packet
    Dim packetLength As UShort = 36 ' Length of the entire CAN frame packet (fixed length for CAN 2.0 A/B)
    ' Create the packet array with the correct size
    Dim packet As Byte() = New Byte(packetLength - 1) {}
    ' Length field (2 bytes)
    packet(0) = CByte((packetLength >> 8) And &HFF)
    packet(1) = CByte(packetLength And &HFF)
    ' Message Type field (2 bytes) - Classic CAN frame type (0x80)
    packet(2) = &H0
    packet(3) = CanMsg.MsgType ' &H80
    ' Tag field (8 bytes) - Not used, set to 0
    For i As Integer = 4 To 11
      packet(i) = 0
    ' Timestamp fields (8 bytes) - Current timestamp in microseconds
    Dim timestamp As Long = DateTime.Now.Ticks \ 10 ' Convert ticks to microseconds
    packet(12) = CByte((timestamp >> 24) And &HFF)
    packet(13) = CByte((timestamp >> 16) And &HFF)
    packet(14) = CByte((timestamp >> 8) And &HFF)
    packet(15) = CByte(timestamp And &HFF)
    packet(16) = CByte((timestamp >> 56) And &HFF)
    packet(17) = CByte((timestamp >> 48) And &HFF)
    packet(18) = CByte((timestamp >> 40) And &HFF)
    packet(19) = CByte((timestamp >> 32) And &HFF)
    ' Channel field (1 byte) - Not used, set to 0
    packet(20) = 0
    ' DLC field (1 byte) - Set to the length of the data
    packet(21) = CByte(CanMsg.MsgLen)
    ' Flags field (2 bytes) - Assuming a standard frame with no RTR
    packet(22) = 0
    packet(23) = 0
    ' CAN ID field (4 bytes)
    packet(24) = CByte((CanMsg.ID >> 24) And &HFF)
    packet(25) = CByte((CanMsg.ID >> 16) And &HFF)
    packet(26) = CByte((CanMsg.ID >> 8) And &HFF)
    packet(27) = CByte(CanMsg.ID And &HFF)
    ' CAN Data field (8 bytes)
    For i As Integer = 0 To CanMsg.MsgLen - 1  'Data.Length - 1
      packet(28 + i) = CanMsg.MsgData(i)
    Return packet
  End Function

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Re: Receive works but send doesn't.

Post by PEAK-Support » Sat 14. Sep 2024, 09:24

Please check against our sample code (this works), and use the WireShark Dissector to verify your IP packages ! --> LINK
PEAK-System Technik
Technical Support Team

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