Route CAN messages over WAN

CAN to WLAN Gateways in a plastic housing with a flange
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Route CAN messages over WAN

Post by eugen.berenstein » Thu 22. Apr 2021, 10:56

Hello, we would like to use the gateway to monitor out devices remotely during field tests.
Is it possible to connect a virtual CAN interface to the gateway that is at some remote site and behind a router?
I could not find an explicit statement about this in the documentation.

Thank you

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Re: Route CAN messages over WAN

Post by M.Heidemann » Thu 22. Apr 2021, 11:26


Thank you for your request.

Such a solution is feasible, for example using a VPN.
As long as there is accessibility to the remote network one could potentially
use PCAN-Virtual Gateway to communicate to a remote PCAN-Gateway device on that remote network.
The necessary ports need to be fowarded and the appropiate routes need to be configured
according to the given environment.

Best Regards

Marvin Heidemann
PEAK-Support Team

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