RS-232 on PCAN-MicroMod FD Digital

Universal Evaluation Board for the Plug-in Module PCAN-MicroMod FD
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RS-232 on PCAN-MicroMod FD Digital

Post by S.Taube » Thu 22. Apr 2021, 12:03


the following question is regarding to PCAN-MicroMod FD Motherboards, but I'm not allowed to create a new topic there, so posting here.

In the "PCAN-MicroMod FD Digital 1/2" manual it is stated, that there exists a RS-232 interface, which is currently not used. When that RS-232 interface would be useable somehow, the MicroMod FD Digital would perfectly fit for usage in our project.

So my question is, what are the plans to activate RS-232? In our specific case, some transparent data transportation would be sufficient, as mapping the serial RX to CAN messages on one side and mapping payload of CAN messages with a specific ID to serial TX. Configuration of IDs, baudrate etc. should be done once via configuration tool or CAN messages at runtime, as later on we will have no access to the serial port anymore.


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Re: RS-232 on PCAN-MicroMod FD Digital

Post by M.Heidemann » Thu 22. Apr 2021, 16:16


There is currently no plan to enable the configuration of the RS-232 via the Configuration tool,
as every custmer needs a different implementation of this, which will not be possible to
implement via the configuration tool.

You can however take alook at our PCAN-RS232 device, for which you can write custom firmware, maybe this
fits in your application:

Best Regards

Marvin Heidemann
PEAK-Support Team

Posts: 2
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Re: RS-232 on PCAN-MicroMod FD Digital

Post by S.Taube » Thu 22. Apr 2021, 17:06

Hello Marvin,

well, a generic solution could be the same, as in the example code for PCAN-RS232:

Code: Select all

Project: SER-TO-CAN
File: ser_to_can.c

// RS232 parameters: 115200 bit/s, 8, N, 1
// CAN parameters: 500 kbit/s, ID=0x123, DLC=8
// Byte stream is received and converted to 8 byte CAN messages (ID=0x123).
// If nothing is received for more than 1 sec, the bytes already in the queue
// are transmitted onto CAN in a shorter message (DLC < 8). 
Additionally to RS-232 and CAN parameters, it would be nice to configure the timeout for flushing the queue. Sending from CAN to RS-232 would just need the specification, on which CAN ID the payload should be sent to RS-232.

That would be kind of a generic media converter, no special customer needs to be fullfilled :) .

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Re: RS-232 on PCAN-MicroMod FD Digital

Post by M.Heidemann » Fri 23. Apr 2021, 15:03


Thank you for your feedback.

I will relay this suggestions to our development-team for consideration.

Best Regards

Marvin Heidemann
PEAK-Support Team

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