PLEASE READ: It's time for a clean-up!

This forum is for all topics that do not fit into the other ones
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Sales & Support
Posts: 1069
Joined: Fri 20. Sep 2019, 13:31

PLEASE READ: It's time for a clean-up!

Post by M.Heidemann » Thu 2. May 2024, 10:35

Hello Everyone,

First of all thank you for using our forum and engaging with our community! :)

Our goal is to make the forum as usable and search-friendly as possible.
One way to ensure that is to take care of the vast amount of topics that are either duplicates, orphaned or otherwise
do not really provide any useful information.

Topics will be deleted, titles will be modified so everyone knows exactly what the topic is about, topics
will be moved to their appropiate forum.

If you have any questions regarding one of your topics being changed or deleted, please ask here in this thread
and we'll make sure to let you know the reasons for the change or deletion.

Best Regards

Marvin Heidemann
PEAK-Support Team

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