Windows XP Support

High-speed USB 2.0 to CAN/LIN Interface
Software Development
Software Development
Posts: 1047
Joined: Wed 22. Sep 2010, 13:36

Windows XP Support

Post by K.Wagner » Mon 14. Mar 2016, 08:50

IMPORTANT! Windows XP is no longer supported!

Beginning with revision 4.0.3, the PCAN-Basic API does not support Windows XP. Because of that, applications developed with an older revision of this API won't start on Windows XP if you update to
PCAN-Basic 4.0.3.

Note that this affect all APIs from PEAK-System, that are based on PCAN-Basic:
  • PCAN-PassThru
  • PCAN-OBD-2
Note too that new Versions of any software from PEAK-System as well as device drivers are also no longer supported on this operating system.

If you have the need of using any of our products on WIndows XP, you will have to use older versions of those products. Please contact our support department if you need further assistance on this topic.
Best regards,
