Welcome to the PLIN-LInux Beta Test

This is a forum for the communication between the beta testers and our developers. It is only visible for PEAK-System employees and authorized testers.
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Welcome to the PLIN-LInux Beta Test

Post by M.Heidemann » Thu 25. Jun 2020, 15:08

Welcome to the PLIN-Linux Beta Driver forum.

This forum is intended for exchange your experiences by using the driver, as well as for give suggestions or clarify doubts that we/you can have during this phase of the development.

Since the driver is in a Beta state, it lacks on an online-help, so don't hesitate to post a topic for any question, doubt or suggestion you have. You’ll find a quick start guide as a PDF in the package, which will provide information on how to install the driver and showcase the first steps of using the driver,
further information can be gathered via the help command -h

We thank each and everyone of you for helping us by testing/enhancing this new driver.

You can download the driver package including the Quick-Start-Guide PDF from the following link:


:!: PLIN-Linux received an official release, please see the following page:

https://www.peak-system.com/fileadmin/m ... ux/lin.php

Updates of the driver will be announced in this forum.

Happy Testing....

Best Regards

Marvin Heidemann
PEAK-Support Team
